Impressions of Potsdam

Or perhaps the title should be ‘Impressionists of Potsdam’?

On March 18th, the year 1-3 kids from Rubin class took a trip to Potsdam’s beautiful Barberini Museum (shown above), where they were treated to a personal tour of its incredible collection of Impressionist art.

The children learned all about this important painting movement while looking at works by some of the world’s most famous artists.

In the photo above, the children are admiring a canvas by Paul Signac, a painter who used tiny dots of colour – a technique known as pointillism – to create luminous, light-filled pictures.

Perhaps the museum guide also mentioned the fact that the painting was purchased in 2019 for a record price of £17 million pounds… or about 21 million euros!

Later, the children had time to get creative themselves and put their new knowledge of colour theory into practice by drawing pictures in warm and cool shades.

With so much artistic talent, perhaps one day their paintings will be in a museum, too!

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